Absolute C++, 4th Edition by Walter Savitch

Absolute C++, 4th Edition

Adisson Wesley 2009
ISBN: 0136083811
847 pages
9 Mb

Absolute C++ is the definitive textbook on C++ from best-selling author Walt Savich. This brand new book provides complete, thorough, absolute coverage of the C++ programming language.

Absolute C++ provides all of the tools necessary for experienced and novice programmers alike to master C++, emphasizing the qualities and complexities of the language aver elementary programming technique. Thus, it presents:

* Complete and fully executable programs throughout to demonstrate language features

* Extensive coverage of the Standard Template Library (STL)—this is a necessary element in understanding C++ as it examines the full functionality and versatility of the language

* A logical ordering of topics that allows readers to better understand the language (for example, covering arrays before classes-this institutes a more progressive method of learning how the language works before moving on to advanced features

* Material on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Patterns to take advantage of the latest trends in software engineering

* Sections highlighting programming tips and common pitfalls to enhance understanding

Absolute C++ also offers a full supplements package for instructors, including instructor's manual, solutions manual, PowerPoint slides, and Testfen, a computerized test generator. A companion web site (aw/savitch) is available for all readers to help enhance and test their understanding of the material.



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