A Text Book of Business Economics

Saroj Pareek, "A Text Book of Business Economics"

Sunrise Pub
ISBN-13: 9789380207056
353 pages
13,4 MB

The economic techniques have gained a wide application in

the process of modem management decision, possible, because

recent business problems have become so complex that manager's

personal experience is no longer adequate to give an appropriate

solution. The purpose of this book is to provide, in one volume, the

different economic theories which are deemed to constitute the

subject matter of managerial economics. This book is written

especially for B.Com., B.B.A., M.Com., M.B.A., and c.A. students of

our country.

This book is intended to explain in non-technical language, the

economic concepts, tools of analysis, their relevance in management

decision-making and also the influence of economic environment

on management decisions. To facilitate an easy understanding of

the subject, the timely help of illustrations, examr::es, diagrams,

tables and charts has been taken, Important terms relevant to the

business economics are given in a separate chapter. To my publisher,

I am grateful for publishing the book with due care and skill in a

very short time. I shall be thankful to the readers for pointing out

discrepancies and errors in the text, which I hope to rectify in the

next edition of the book. Suggestions for further improvement of

this book will be highly appreciated.


Preface iii

I. Introduction 1

2. Managerial Economist Role and Responsibilities 8

3. Concepts of Managerial Economics 15

4. Measurement Techniques of Marginal Economics 25

5. Important Terms used in Managerial Economics 36

6. Economic Theories 55

7. Production Theory 62

8. Consumer Behaviour 76

9. Indifference Curves Approach 84

10. Extension and Contraction Versus Increase and Decrease 105

in Demand

II. Elasticities of Demand 110

12. Empirical Studies on Demand 119

13. Demand Forecasting 126

14. Form of Market Structure 157

15. Perfect Competition 160

16. Implications of a Change in Demand for Commodity Under 173


17. Competitive Market Model 180

18. Dynamics of Supply: The Cobweb Phenomena

19. Pure Monopoly

20. Discriminating Monopoly

21. Bilateral Monopoly

22. Monopolistic Competition

23. Market Imperfection and Excess Capacity

24. Profit Decisions

25. Functions of Profit

26. Theories of Profit

27. Investments

28. Business Forecasting

29. Business Cycles

30. Theory of Trade Cycles


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